Willum Warrain Aboriginal Association is a not for profit charitable organisation located at 10 Pound Road in Hastings on the Mornington Peninsula.

Willum Warrain (‘home by the sea’) Aboriginal Association is the voice of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on the Mornington Peninsula. It is a gathering place where Aboriginal people come together to realize community aspirations and forge shared identity.

Managed by an Aboriginal board, Willum Warrain is located in the coastal town of Hastings and provides information and referral services, charitable support, health and wellbeing programs, art and culture programs, and links between the Aboriginal community and the broader local community. Our core strategic focus is cultural strengthening.

Our Vision

“ A vibrant and confident Aboriginal community, encouraging cultural strengthening, promoting health, and providing a safe gathering place for all community members”

Willum Warrain | Home by the Sea

Willum Warrain Aboriginal Association Inc. is a not for profit charitable organisation currently registered as follows:

Organisation name   :    Willum Warrain Aboriginal Association Inc.

Registered     :      Consumer Affairs Victoria

Act     :       Associations Incorporation Act 1981

Date registered    :      18th June, 2010

Location(s) registered     :      Victoria, A0054624N

Type  :     Association

Business structure    :   Not for Profit Charity/community-based

Aboriginal Association ABN     :    41 179 080 355

DGR Status Granted     :    29TH November 2014

Address   :   10C Pound Road, Hastings Victoria 3915

Postal Address    :   PO Box 583, Hastings Victoria 3915